Teaching Behaviors of the Islamic Studies Teachers to Encourage the Students’ Creative Thinking in the Islamic Private Schools in Muang District of Yala Province


  • Dr. Muhammadafeefeee Assalihee Ph.D. (Development Education). Lecturer, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus,
  • Dr. Nachima Bakoh Ph.D. (Applied Behavioral Sciences Research). Lecturer at Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University, Yala, Thailand


Teaching behavior, creative thinking, Islamic studies teacher


This research aimed to perceive the situation and the perception of the Islamic studies teachers on the teaching behaviors to encourage students’ creative thinking, to study the teaching behaviors of the Islamic studies teachers and related conditions of the teaching behaviors to encourage the students’ creative thinking. The in-depth interview was used in this qualitative study and nine Islamic studies teachers were selected by the purposive sampling technique with the criteria. The study showed that teachers perceived the situation of the teaching behaviors to encourage the students’ creative thinking skills namely 1) teachers have low quality of teaching behavior; 2) teachers have started to develop their teaching methods but not as good as they should be 3) students are more likely to approach academic teachers than religious teachers; 4) teachers need to be improved their teaching methods and other related areas. Thus, the teaching behaviors to encouraged creative thinking skills namely 1) the instructional behavior such as demonstrating examples in teaching, using visual media, implementing technology in teaching, etc.; 2) The classroom management behavior such as evaluating students’ marks by group, approaching students at the out of class learning, etc.; 3) The socio-emotional behavior such as preserving a positive attitude towards the students, having good interaction between teacher and students, etc. there were two types of the conditions related to the teaching behaviors namely 1) Individual conditions including; assertiveness, continuity self-development, etc.; 2)environment conditions including; the subjects taught are conducive to enhancing creativity and having teacher role model.


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How to Cite

Assalihee, M. and Bakoh, N. 2020. Teaching Behaviors of the Islamic Studies Teachers to Encourage the Students’ Creative Thinking in the Islamic Private Schools in Muang District of Yala Province. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 11, 1 (Jun. 2020), 14–32.



Research Articles