The Writing Method in Kitab Matla’ al-Badrayn of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Ismail al-Daudi al-Fatani


  • อัสมัน แตอาลี Ph.D. (Fiqh and Usul al Fiqh), Lecturer of College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus


Writing Method, Fiqh, Matla‘ Al-Badrayn, Muhammad Bin Ismail al-Daudi al-Fatoni


The objective of this research is to study The Biography of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Ismail al-Daudi al-Fatoni, who was, a renowned Pattanian scholar and expert on Fiqh, and his fiqh book entitled Matla‘ al-Badrayn, written in Malay language and widely used in learning and teaching until today. In analytically studying this book, the researcher used a documentary research and emphasized on the methods of Sheikh’s writing on Fiqh which was unique to the Pattanian scholar in the past until Pattani became the center of Islamic academy in the region of Southeast Asian.

This study found that the mentioned Pattanian scholar was an expert in Fiqh, thus playing a major role in propagating Islam through his books on Fiqh which were written in Malay language. As for the Sheikh’s method of writing on Fiqh, the researcher has concluded that the Sheikh applied the unique method used by Pattanian scholars in the past. However, some parts of his book contents were summarized and translated into Malay language from other various books.  Most of the contents were taken from the book “Fath al-Wahhab” by Sheikh Zakariya al-Ansari,  “Hashiyah al-Bajuri” by Sheikh Ibrahim al-Bajuri and “Hashiyah al-Bujairimi” by Sheikh Sulaiman al-Bujairimi and other books respectively. Besides that, the researcher has found other books such as “Subulul Muhtadeen” by Sheikh Muhammad Arshad bin Abdullah Al-Banjari, “Nihayatul Muhtaj” by Imam al-Ramli, “Al-azkar” by Imam al-Nawawi and  “Sharh Sohih Muslim” by Imam al-Nawawi.


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How to Cite

แตอาลี อ. 2017. The Writing Method in Kitab Matla’ al-Badrayn of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Ismail al-Daudi al-Fatani. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 8, 1 (Jun. 2017), 35–48.



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