Guideline for Management and Preservation of Colors of Old Town of Phayao


  • Watcharawich Jirawongsapan Faculty of Architecture , Chulalongkorn University


Scenery Preservation, Old Town, Natural Color System


The research aims to 1) Study method and guidelines for Environmental Conservation Tumbon Thamuang Community, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province 2) Compare environmental conservation in community of Tambon Tha Muang, Roi-som District with different sex. Samples used in this study include people living in Tumbon Thamuang, Selaphum District, Roi Et using the formula of Yamane (Yamane, 1973) 400 persons. The tools used in this research consisted of questionnaires tests. The statistics used to analyze the data, including statistics and statistical Pair t-test. The results found that: 1) The people living in Tumbon Thamuang, Selaphum District, Roi Et at a high level with an average of 3.83 and standard deviation of 0.69 with the inspiration of the environment the most, followed by the environmental education and Behavioral environmental conservation, respectively. 2) The peoples living in Tumbon Thamuang, Selaphum District, Roi Et. Inspiration for the environment and conservation


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How to Cite

Jirawongsapan, W. (2021). Guideline for Management and Preservation of Colors of Old Town of Phayao. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 9(2), 255–272. retrieved from



Research Article