The correlation between organization atmosphere and job satisfaction of university officers, University of Phayao
Organization atmosphere, Job satisfactionAbstract
The study aims to investigate the organization atmosphere in university office, the satisfying factors on working as well as the relationship between the two factors among the officers working for the University of Phayao. The 254 samples out of 725 population, working during 2018 fiscal year, are collected by Simple Randon-Sampling method of Krejcie and Morgan. The research instrument is Likert’s five scales rating questionnaire. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s Product Moment Coefficient Correlation are used to analyze the collected data.
The result reveals that 1). In terms of the organization atmosphere at work, the co-operation among the workers in the office, the participation in making decision, the enthusiastic factors on working, the innovation & technology facilitating in working, the expectation of effective work result and the organization management are at average level. 2) Salary & welfare, working environment, trust & respect on working from the colleagues, job promotion and job stability also indicate the average satisfaction among the university staff. 3) The correlation between organization atmosphere and job satisfaction is considered to be statistically significantly at 0.05%.
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