Guidelines of Integrated System Thinking Learning Management in Social Studies for Primary School Students
system thinking, management in social studies, integrated learning, primary school studentAbstract
The aims of this research were 1) To study the condition of systemically integrated thinking learning management in social studies of primary school students. 2) To propose the guidelines of systemically integrated thinking learning management in social studies of primary school students. Sample Group used in this study was 10 students of the primary school who were selected voluntarily. The instruments used in the study were structural interview, qualitative analysis using inductive analysis by Thematic analysis. The result found that 1) Teachers have management of teaching which encourages less critical thinking of students. In teaching of some chapters, the teachers use only lecture and educational media discontinuously. Learning outside the class has limitations of study time and school. In the contents of management of teaching in some chapters, there are a lot of details. The teachers focus on personal study and recitation, so they can lead to discourage the students’ confidence and lack of thinking by step-by-step. Mostly, measurement and evaluation of management of teaching have been used with asking and answer between teachers and students. There are few of chapters using pretest and posttest of learning. 2) The guidelines of organizing activities of systemically integrated thinking learning management in social studies of primary school students should be established the management of teaching by 1) Arranging the groups of people, 2) The case study, 3) Using questions, and other activities such as self-seeking of knowledge, learning resource activity, role-play activity, and project activity.
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