The MahaBhuddhathaphisek Ceremony at Salachai Temple, Sala Subdistrict, Kokha District, Lampang Province: The Process of Performing and Symbolic Representations of Ritual
MahaBhuddhathaphisek Ceremony, Process of Performing the Ceremony, Symbolic Approach, Salachai TempleAbstract
The study aimed to study the process of performing and symbolic representations in the MahaBhuddhathaphisek ceremony at Salachai temple, Sala subdistrict, Kokha district, Lampang province by using in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The study indicated that this ceremony was held to celebrate on the occasion that the temple had been founded for 100 years, including the completion of the reconstruction of the temple and the principal Buddha image of the temple.
The ceremony was conducted for 3 days. The first day was known as the day of preparation, there was a procession to invite PhraUpakut for being the Guardian of the ceremony without any obstacles. The second day was the ceremony day, the first part started by having the eyes closed of the principal Buddha image, later it was a prayer ceremony called "SuadMonTan". As for the ceremony in the second period, it was opening ceremony of the principal Buddha's eyes which proceeded according to the sequence of steps specified until the end on the morning of the third day. And on the third day of the ceremony, there was a merit making ceremony dedicated to Thai alms, and there was a procession to invite PhraUpakut to his original location. Therefore considered as the completion of the MahaBhuddhathaphisek ceremony.
The symbolic representations that appeared in the MahaBhuddhathaphisek ceremony include 1) PhraUpakut was a sign of peace and order without all dangers 2) Khanhakothak was a sign of humility 3) Khantang was a symbol ofauspiciousness 4) the opening ceremony of the principal Buddha' s eyes was a sign of finding the light that meant the intelligence in life and 5) Khawmathupayas was a sign of perseverance and determination.
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