An error analysis on English reflective writing made by First year students of the University of Phayao on the academic year 2014


  • พิชญา นุเสน English department, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao, Phayao province 56000


Error analysis, Writing


This research was a case study which aimed at analyzing errors in English Reflective Writing written by first year students who took Fundamental English course; section 3 and 33 at University of Phayao in the first semester of an academic year 2014.  There are 3 English reflective written works were used as the research instruments; 2 reflective and 1 prewriting.  The data obtained was analyzed by using the percentage for each error: capitalize misspelling, sentence arrangement, and influencing of native language.  The research results showed that the most errors were found in the first English written work: misspelling was found at 49.33%, and the errors were made in sentence level by mistaking sentence arrangement were 22.32%. Moreover, for all written works 96.6% of misspelling was the most errors, and 55.7% of sentence errors were made by influencing of native language. As a result, this research can lead to create the exercises in Fundamental English book, aiming to develop university of Phayao students’ writing errors.


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How to Cite

นุเสน พ. (2019). An error analysis on English reflective writing made by First year students of the University of Phayao on the academic year 2014. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 6(2), 109–123. retrieved from



Research Article