The Development of The Working Memory Boardgame in Accordance with The Multi-component Model in Child and Adolescent

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Nattaporn Opasanon
Suradate Prayoonsak


Objectives: This research aims 1) to conduct a pilot study for a board game “the zoo,” which has been developed to measure the working memory in children and adolescents following the multi-component model and 2) examine its relationship with a standardized working memory assessment (digit span task). Materials and methods: Five experts evaluated the content validity of the boardgame and played by sixty-four primary and secondary school students in the province of Phitsanulok, Thailand, while individually assessing the Digit Span Task. Results: The board game conforms to the multi-model component. Moreover, there was an absence of any statistically significant relationship between the board game and the total score of the Digit Span Task (r = .076): the digit span forward (r = .067) and Digit Span Backward (r= .046). Conclusion: Although in line with the multi-component model, the board game shows no statistically significant correlation with the digit span task. Further studies should be focused on investigating the boardgame properties and the measurement results which reflect from this boardgame.

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How to Cite
Opasanon, N., & Prayoonsak, S. (2022). The Development of The Working Memory Boardgame in Accordance with The Multi-component Model in Child and Adolescent. Thai Journal of Clinical Psychology (Online), 53(2), 49–63. retrieved from
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