Effects of Movement Activities Integrated STEM Education on Movement Skill and Analytical Thinking of Junior High School Students

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Nuchjaree Phuseengoen
Chuthamas Singchainara
Sombat Onsiri
Sombun Inthamya


This research aimed to study effects of movement activities integrated STEM education on movement skill and analytical thinking of junior high school students. The samples of this research were 8th grade about 2 classrooms which were divided to 2 groups. The consisted of experiment group about 33 persons, and the control group about 33 persons. The research’s tools included; 1) plans in movement activities integrated STEM education on movement skill with content validity at 0.96 2) the assessment test of movement skill with IOC at 0.96 3) the assessment test of analytical thinking with IOC at 0.92, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient at 0.711, discriminant Index at 0.27 – 0.53 and difficulty index at 0.25 – 0.50. The data were analyzed by using mean and the standard deviation and t-test.

The results of the research were as follow.

1) The students who learned by using movement activities integrated STEM education showed higher score movement skill and analytical thinking than before the experiment at a statistically significant level .05.

2) The students who learned by using movement activities integrated STEM education showed higher score movement skill and analytical thinking than the other group at a statistically significant level .05.


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