Lullabies : Reflections Related to the Culture of Lamphi Subdistrict, Thai Mueang District, Phang Nga Province


  • รุ่งรัตน์ ทองสกุล Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Phuket Rajabhat University


Lullabies, Reflections, Culture


The purpose of this research was to 1) collect the lullabies of Lamphi Subdistrict, Thai Mueang District, Phang Nga Province 2) study the reflections of the lullabies which are related to the culture of Lamphi Subdistrict, Thai Mueang District, Phang Nga Province.This is a qualitative research used field research by interviewing local philosophers from November - December 2019. The data were analyzed and compiled according to the specified issues. The results of the research found that 1) there are 78 lullabies that are not strict prosody in composition. 2) the reflections of the lullabies are related to the culture of the community in 5 aspects, which are 2.1) The reflection on the living, 48 lullabies concern the relationship between humans and nature, and between human companionship, including agricultural farming, cooking, costuming, etc. 2.2) Family reflections found that 34 lullabies regarding the roles and responsibilities in the relationship of family members, family problems, etc. 2.3) The reflection on beliefs, traditions and religions, found that 18 lullabies regarding belief in the supernatural, including traditions of Thai Buddhists, Chinese, fishermen as well as traditions related to life, etc. 2.4) The reflection on teachings found that 16 lullabies regarding the roles and responsibilities, diligence, mannerism, carelessness, etc. 2.5) The reflection on other aspects consists of 2.5.1) the love of young people found that 9 lullabies regarding courtship, dating, complaining and affair, and 2.5.2) the education found that one lullaby regarding cultivating in knowledge-seeking. The reflection on 5 aspects which are closely related to the culture that clearly shows the local identity of the villagers. Nowadays some cultures have the roles in way of life, some cultures are reduced their roles and some cultures disappeared.


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How to Cite

ทองสกุล ร. (2021). Lullabies : Reflections Related to the Culture of Lamphi Subdistrict, Thai Mueang District, Phang Nga Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(3), 134–143. retrieved from



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