Mindset, Coping, and Adaptation to the New Normal Lifestyle in a Post-COVID-19 Pandemic of Young Adult in Chiang Mai
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This study aims to examine the relationship between mindset and coping and adaptation to the new normal lifestyle, as well as the influence of mindset on adaptation to the new normal lifestyle in a post-COVID-19 pandemic regarding coping as a mediator. Participants were 200 young adults, aged 20-39 years, living in Chiang Mai. The research measures include adaptation to the new normal, mindset, problem-focused strategies, and emotion-focused strategies. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation, path analysis, and mediation analysis. The results revealed that mindset, coping, and adaptation to the new normal were positively related. Path analysis and mediation analysis indicated that adaptation to the new normal was directly affected by both mindset and problem-focused strategies. Furthermore, adaptation to the new normal invoked indirect effects to mindset through problem-focused strategies. In addition, problem-focused strategies partially mediated the relationship between mindset and adaptation to the new normal. The implications of this study highlight mindset and coping skills as crucial factors in the adaptation process for young adults in Chiang Mai following the COVID-19 pandemic.
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