Islamophobia Sentiment in Pattani Municipality Communities
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This article has two main objectives: firstly, to explore the concepts, definitions, and characteristics of Islamophobia, and secondly, to investigate the knowledge, understanding, and perception of Islamophobia and its impact. Data collection was conducted through the utilization of a questionnaire distributed among a sample group obtained via quota sampling. The sample consisted of 114 individuals, comprising both Muslim residents of the 19 communities within the municipal area of Pattani, and non-Muslim residents for comparative analysis. This study employed Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning to assess knowledge, understanding, and the Pyramid of Hate to examine the impact of Islamophobia.
The research findings reveal that Islamophobia, defined as the hatred or fear of Islam or Muslims, symbols of the Islamic religion or Muslims, can be categorized into three levels: 1. Individual level (Hidden): where individuals do not express Islamophobic behaviors openly; 2. Individual level (Active) where individuals express Islamophobic behaviors openly individually or in a group; and 3. structural level which involves discrimination against Muslim or Islam through policies, regulations, rules, and laws.
The study on knowledge, understanding, and perception of the impact of Islamophobia found that the sample group in Pattani Municipal District has limited knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the affects of Islamophobia. There were no significant differences in knowledge, understanding, and perception of the impact based on religion. However, educational variables particularly Master Degree and Islamic Studies of Tsanawiyah significantly affected the levels of knowledge, understanding, and perception among the sample group.
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