Knowledge and Cultural Resource Management for Tourism of the Mon Community in Jed Riew Subdistrict, Ban Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province

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Nootnapang Chumdee
Woramas Tunpattrakul


This article aims to study the development of Knowledge and Cultural Resource Management for Tourism of the Mon Community in Jed Riew Subdistrict, Ban Phaeo District, Samut Sakhon Province. It investigates the process of knowledge and cultural resource management, and analyzes the problems and obstacles of knowledge and cultural resource management for tourism from the perspective of the community by integrating the local history paradigms with the concept of knowledge and cultural resource management framework. The researcher studies the knowledge and cultural resource management framework of Jed Riew community by considering three main components: agencies who play a key role in resource management, strategies and activities, and the goals of resource management. The study reveals that knowledge and cultural resource management of Jed Riew community can be divided into three phases: Preserving the Way of Life (1947-1997), Reviving Folk Games and Local Wisdoms (1997-2017), and Research and Study on Cultural Management for Tourism (2017-present). The objectives for the first and second phases are to revive and pass on the Mon cultural heritage to the younger generations. Thus, the process of knowledge and cultural resource management in both phases were carried out mainly by local people. However, in the third phase, external agencies and scholars have become involved to help develop the community into cultural tourism sites. Moreover, the study indicates that the current goals of cultural resource management of the Mon at Jed Riew have not yet led to the transformation of the community into a cultural tourist destination or the pursuit of economic benefits. This is due to the lack of clarity on government agencies' tourism management support plans and the local people concern that tourism activities will affect agriculture, which has been the community’s main source of income.

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