Chinese Names of Thai Food Products in China: Language Characteristics and Meanings
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The objective of this research article is to study the language characteristic and analyze the meanings found in Chinese names of 4 types of Thai food products in China: rice, snacks, pastries, and dried fruits. The study draws data from 3 Chinese online selling websites: and
The analysis reveals that the product names incorporate Chinese, Thai, and English in monolingual, bilingual, and trilingual forms, with a total of seven combinations. Trilingual names are the most prevalent. Chinese is the most frequently utilized language in product names, followed by English and Thai. The number of syllables in Chinese product names ranges from 2 to 18, with 6-syllable names being the most popular. Naming the products with a single grammatical structure using the modifier-head method is most common. Regarding the meaning analysis, 13 groups of meanings were identified, all of which show a direct connection to the products in the study. These meanings provide some details about the products to consumers clearly and directly. All the product names feature compound semantic structures, with the number of meaning groups ranging from 2 to 11. None of the names consist of a single semantic unit. These names may include information about flavors, product characteristics, key ingredients, production processes, types of products, and brand names.
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