Semiology and Representation of Female Characters in Thai Classical Drama
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This research examines the construction of the symbolic meanings of female characters in and presents the feminine representation in female characters from Thai classical dramas by presenting the meanings constructed from the semiotic system.
The research found that the construction of female characters in Thai classical dramas began with a naming process. The names were constructed from the social and cultural meanings of Thailand. In addition to the names used to refer to the characters, they were also constructed from the social class system. The costumes are constructed to show the characteristics, social classes, age, and role. From the analysis, the creation of symbols in the construction of characters included behaviors and dialogues, which appeared in both good and evil characters.
The presentation of the feminine representations of the characters was constructed from two social meanings, namely patriarchy and sexuality. The representations could be classified as follows: valued women, evil women, brave women, women who cherish love, devoted family women, women who are concubines, women who are leaders, smart women, women and virginity, role model women, cohabiting women, and women with diminution. The representations of women in the past had both similarities and differences from women in the present according to the changes in the era and society which are constantly changing and flowing and have led to changes in the representation of women.
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