The Linguistic Landscape of Hua Hin Soi 57: A Study of Commercial Business Signs

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Wiriyawis Mongkolyos
Kantithat Karncharoen
Siravast Kavilanan
Wuttinun Kaewjungate


This research article aims to study commercial business signs based on the linguistics landscape at Hua Hin Soi 57. Data were collected from 79 business signs of 58 businesses. The concept of Landry and Bourhis (1997) was employed to study the following issues: 1) types of commercial business, 2) language patterns, 3) relationships between language patterns and types of commercial business, and 4) functions of language. The findings show that there were 17 types of commercial business. Massage businesses were found the most. Language patterns appearing on commercial business signs could be divided into three types.  Regarding monolingual signs, English signs were found the most. In terms of bilingual signs, English-Thai signs were found the most. As for multilingual signs, Thai – Chinese – English signs and English – Chinese – Thai signs were found in the same number. Based on the relationship between language patterns and types of commercial business, monolingual signs were mostly found in the restaurant business. Bilingual signs were commonly found in the massage business. In addition, multilingual signs were mostly found in the restaurant business. Finally, the commercial business signs had three functions of language: providing information, informing about the businesses’ names and performing symbolic function. The results indicate that at Hua Hin Soi 57, in addition to Thai, the national language, English is also prominently used to convey internationalism and facilitate foreign customers. Therefore, Hua Hin Soi 57 is a multilingual community area indicating cultural diversity.


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