Relationships between Perfectionism trait and Anxiety of Undergraduate students: The Mediating Role of Self-compassion

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Araya Pontanya
Nalinya Boonthong


The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between perfectionism trait and anxiety among undergraduate students with self-compassion as a mediator. The participants were 402 undergraduate students obtained by convenience sampling. The research instruments consisted of Demographic questionnaire, The Revised Almost Perfect scale, A Depression Anxiety Stress scales (DASS-21), and The Self-compassion scale. The data was analyzed by hierarchical multiple regression analysis with Model 4 of the Process Macro.

The results showed that self-compassion had a partial mediating role in the relationship between perfectionism trait and anxiety of undergraduate students. The findings indicated that the influence of perfectionism trait on anxiety was mediated by self-compassion which mean that when student have self-compassion, The students with perfectionism tended to have lower anxiety. Therefore, the universities should promote activities and training programs enhance self-compassion among perfectionism students.

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