Language Contact of Tai Yai Migrant Workers Living in a suburb in Transition Zones between Muang Chiangmai and Connective Districts

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Parada Dechapratumwan


This research aims to analyze the language use of Tai Yai migrant workers, especially when they contact other dominant people in various contexts and to reveal the phenomena arising from those contacts situation.  47 with three generations of Tai Yai migrant workers were selected employing snowball technique. They all live in a suburb in transition zones between Muang Chiangmai and those 3 connective districts Hangdong, Maerim, and Sansai.  The research tools were questionnaires keyed in the application called “Survey Monkey”, an informal semi-structured interview, and non-participant observation. The data were analyzed by descriptive analytics.  The result shows that 1) Tai Yai migrant workers use Kammuang the most when interacting with outsiders, 2) They also use their language the most in their daily lives, 3) Tai Yai’s Listening skill is used more than speaking in their daily lives, 4) They use Kammuang more often than Thai, but changing is observed in the 3rd generation, 5) Besides Tai Yai, Kammuang, and Thai, 60% of the samples could speak Burmese, English, Karen and Chinese, 6) Generation 1 use their language when interacting with their families, 7) Tai Yai language is prevalent in the religious context, the private context, and the daily life context. However, Thai and Tai Yai are equally used when they listen to the radio and count the number. Kammuang is widespread when they are in public areas such as at the market, at the hospital, and at the temple, 8) They use Thai and Tai Yai equally when playing social media. Finally, the phenomena arising from the language contact are code-mixing, code-switching, and the greater use of Thai (a powerful language) than Kammuang, which is less powerful in some groups. Nevertheless, there is a seed of change observed from the emergence of the new Lanna variety.

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