The Protagonist's Interaction with the Social Context In the Literature for ASEAN, Titled Hae...Chale Rung

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Lakkhana Chapoo
Warawat Sriyabhaya
Warunya Yingyongsak
Sarawut Lordee


The study's objective was to analyze the interaction of the protagonist and the social contexts in the Literature for ASEAN, Titled Hae...Chale Rung of Prapassorn Sewikul. Findings show that the author created the protagonist to interact with three levels of social contexts: interpersonal interaction, interaction on the social contract, and interaction with the mechanism of social development through storytelling strategies. The author used first-person pronouns to narrate personal experiences (I-protagonist) and other experiences of the other characters or the witness in the incidents of the characters (I-witness). Furthermore, the storytelling strategies used aimed to explain the thoughts, actions, and expressions of different people due to the social contexts of Cambodia happening in B.E. 2518. Also, they aimed to show the impacts of war on people, so this incident can be an illustration to remind us that this incident should not happen again. 

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