The Study of Indonesian Woman’s Image through “Ketut Rapti, A Short Stories Compilation” by Ni Komang Ariani

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sunthorn khamyod
Siriporn Maneechukate


The study of the image of Indonesian women through the short story series Ketut Rapti Kumpulan Cerita Perempuan by Ni Komang Ariani aims to analyze the image of Indonesian women from that short story series. It was found that there are three types of female image: 1. The image of a woman according to social expectations through a character that accepts male power due to the social structure in which places importance on the man. Women have a duty to serve in all dimensions. Therefore, it is considered a good woman according to the expected social framework. 2. The image of a woman who surrenders to the social structure. The author has criticized marriage only for fulfilling social norms, making women unhappy. 3. The image of a woman who rejects the social structure through a female character and points out that education will be an important solution. In addition, the author has created an image of a woman who is happy, and that happiness comes from releasing the bonds known as "traditions" of living independently of men. Giving women the freedom to manage their lives and build a stable business and bring wealth like men.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

sunthorn khamyod, Maejo University



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