When I Plant a Tree: The Meaningful Symbolic, Implication Appears in the Integrated Orchard
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The integrated orchard found in the literature named “When I plant a tree” is the meaningful symbolic hidden in the meaning of integrated orchard 3 characters: (1) an integrated orchard in view of traditional planting of southern people reflecting the wisdom of our southern ancestors in growing plants and leaving nature to take care of itself; (2) an integrated orchard as a place where writers from
different areas united in order to create and criticized literature together, leading to the forming of a writers and literary group called Nakhorn; and (3) an integrated orchard as a place where literature is created
as a sotting for the story. To create this literary work, the author combines both prose and poetry writing techniques to blend seamlessly with the content which results in a harmonious combination of literary styles in literature. This literature sparks ideas and implants intellectual seeds for both the author and the reader; meanwhile, it helps to carry on the author's aspiration for continued literary creation.
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