Imams and the Enhancement of the Relationship between Muslims and Buddhists in the Three Southern Border Provinces of Thailand

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Punya Tepsing
Kaseatchai Laeheem
Hasbullah Azizskun


The objective of this qualitative study was to explore the enhancement of the relationship between Muslims and Buddhists in the three Southern border provinces.  Data were collected from documents and fieldwork with three sample groups. The first group comprised 16 imams and other religious leaders selected by purposive sampling, the second group included 48 Muslims who were not religious leaders and the third group was 44 Buddhists selected by snowball sampling. Altogether, a total of 108 participants were chosen from nine communities in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwas provinces. Data from the sample groups were collected through non-participant observation and in-depth interviews. Data analysis, data triangulation, analytic induction and validation were performed and concluded with descriptive analysis. The study found that enhancement of the relationship between Muslims and Buddhists conducted by Imams in the three Southern border provinces were as follows: 1) providing knowledge about Islamic principles to Buddhists in government and private organizations where lectures or discussions by religious leaders are organized, in places where community traditional festivals are held and in Imams’ houses;  2) participating in activities at temples organized by monks but not in any Buddhist rituals;  3) participating in study tours with Buddhists to spend some time together to increase understanding;  4) participating in activities of important national days or important days of the local areas organized by government organizations where Buddhist monks or Buddhists also participate; and  5) organizing Muslim projects or activities and inviting Buddhists to participate for the development of people, community, and society to enhance multi-cultural society.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Punya Tepsing, Prince of Songkla University



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