Perceptions and Prevention Behaviors of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) of High School Students in Bangkok

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Aim-utcha Wattanaburanon
Mingkwan Sirichote
Pannawit Piyaaramwong
Subhaaddh Sattayathewa


This research aimed to study the perceptions and preventive behaviors of the COVID-19, and the relationship between perceptions and preventive behaviors of the COVID-19 among high school students in Bangkok. The sample group was high school students in schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC), the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok. The research instruments were two questionnaires asking about 1) the perceptions of COVID-19 and 2) the preventive behaviors of COVID-19. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. 

The research showed that the sample group perceived the risks and the severity of COVID-19 at the high level, as well as their preventive behaviors towards COVID-19. The correlation between the perceptions of COVID-19 and the preventive behaviors of COVID-19 was found to be positive correlation (r = 0.436) with statistically significant at the .01 level.

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