Pho Maha, Mae Hang Kueng, Look Sao Nak Rong : A Reflection in the Looking Glass on consumerism society

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Watsaranan Chuthap


This academic article presents a reflection on consumerism in literature “Pho Maha, Mae Hangkhrueang, Luk (Sao) Nakrong” of Chot Srisuwan. The study found that this literature reflects consumerism in terms of materialism and value in society. In the matter of materialism, the author reflects the consumption of objects according to the fashioning of rural people that overspend and suffered from debt problems. As for the values in the consumer society era, the author reflects teenage values caused by imitating the behavior of famous people. They are addicted to entertainment media from popular culture. They are dressed according to fashion trends and use popular products that indicate modernity. Those are for creating social images and honorable. In the end, the author gave a standpoint that in order to overcome such a crisis; they must apply the principles of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy adapted to their living.

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