Problems and Needs in Physical Activities of the Elderly in Maejo Municipality Area at San Sai District Chiang Mai Province

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Kitipong Kattiya


This article aimed at studying behaviours of the elderly in conducting physical activities in their daily life and leisure. It focused on their frequency, intensity, duration, and types of conduct. It also examined problems or obstacles that affect the way in which the elderly selectively conduct physical activities. It explored needs of the elderly in conducting their physical activities. The sampling was 327 persons of the early elderly, aged 60-70 years old, capable of carrying daily tasks and activities without assistance. They were from Maejo Municipality, Nong Han Subdistrict, San Sai District,
Chiang Mai Province. The survey employed Multi – stage Random Sampling. The Research instrument were questionnaires and structured interview probes. The quantitative data were evaluated with the SPSS computer software while content analysis was used for the qualitative data.
The findings revealed that the physical activities in daily life the elderly conducted at a high level were cycling, doing household chores, watering plants, and walking. In their leisure, doing physical exercises for health at a high level included cycling, brisk walking, walking, jogging, and aerobic exercise. They paid attention to the intensity in conducting those physical activities by observing heavy breathing and exhaustion. The frequency of conducting was from three to five days a week.
Types of physical activities helped improve physical fitness, and the duration of conducting at the minimum was 10 minutes at a time. The problems and obstacles found that affected the elderly’s physical activities in their daily life routines included body aches, fatigue, and blurred eyesight. Streets and passageways in the communities were uneven and potholed that they were dangerous for cycling. Doing physical exercise for health in their leisure also saw obstacles ranging from lack of free time, fatigue, and bodily stiffness. In regard with facilities and safety provision, there were problems of polluted air caused by haze, shortages of exercise locations and equipment, and hot weather problems. In regard with the elderly’s needs for physical activities in their daily life
routines, saw needs for new bicycles. For exercise for health at leisure and for self-development saw needs for professional instruction and promotion from sports experts or authorities. They could have friends to do exercise. Need for sports equipment, facilities like loudspeakers, and locations was also reported.

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