Management Guidelines for Promote Bicycle Use in Maejo University

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Anon Seedapeng
Piyaphun Nunta


This research aimed to study management guidelines for promote bicycle use of students and staff in Maejo University. The research studied actual environment and expected conditions of the bicycle users. The data was collected using mixed methods and analyzed based on documents, in-depth interview and questionnaires. The statistics used was means, standard deviation and Priority Needs Index (PNI). It was found that the requirements for Resources Management (4 M’s) were greater than those of Management Process (POLC). The top three requirements were as follows: 1) materials, 2) money and 3) management. Management Guidelines for Promote Bicycle Use in Maejo University that were proper and feasible to practical use should include 1) planning, 2) organizing, 3) leading and 4) controlling. The resources management that need to be taken into account when operating are 1) man, 2) money, 3) materials and 4) management.

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