The Learning Outcome of English Subject by Lesson One for Kids Application using Augmented Reality Technology

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ฉัตร ชูชื่น
พูนทรัพย์ จันต๊ะ
พัฒนชัย กุลจันทร์
ณัฐดนัย เขียววาท


The information technology applied in learning is one factor that will help increasing the learner’s attentiveness to learn more in nowadays, especially English language learning where a number of learners may have learning obstacles. This research aimed as applying virtual technology to help increasing English language learning potential in little children. Thus, the researchers had foreseen the significance in using information technology for the application development. “Lesson One” was the supplementary media for English vocabulary memorizing from the alphabet cards arranging into vocabularies. This would add more enthusiasm in vocabularies memorizing instead of learning words by heart. The researchers had developed the applications according to the learning theory and brought the system to test with the sample group which was 30 of Prathom 2 students from Baan Mae-Joe School. They were 15 of boy students and 15 of girl students, or 50:50 percent from each. It was found from the comparison of the learning results between the students who were taught by a normal teaching method and by the virtual technology method that the learning by using supplementary learning application media “Lesson One” could add more enthusiasm on English vocabularies memorizing in students rather than learning words by heart from the textbook. From the results analyzed by T-Test as measured from English vocabulary memorizing the pre-learning and post-learning testing scores, it was found that learning by Lesson One could increase the potential in English vocabulary memorizing among the students at the statistical significance level of 0.05. The suggestion provided to the future research is to add
more English vocabulary from other categories and to develop games to apply to this learning media.

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