The Semiosis in Thai Country Songs by Female Singers

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Rattanaphron Suaiklang


            This study was about the semiosis in the semiotic system. Semiotics is the study of signification and interpretation using an interpretation process based on the context. The research was to study the semiosis of Thai country songs, only which were song by female singers; to interpret the meaning that was produced in each song. The study of semiosis included the interpretation of

each particular social culture. And it revealed that the patriarchal system had been dominating the song production and, therefore, influencing the content of the songs.

Fifty song samples were randomly selected. The songs included the semiosis of patriarchal system in both forms of words and contexts. However, the society had been somewhat changing; and more Thai women could have their own love and relationship. The semiosis in Thai country songs sung by female singers could be classified as patriarchy, weaking women, adoration of male, decisive women, and lessons for women.

   The paradigms found from the semiosis were feminism and sexuality. The idea of feminism was reflected from the fact that women had been taken advantage in their relationships, so they stood out and sang for it to tell the society that they were victimized by men. And the idea of sexuality was reflected from emotional expressions of women such as being so unrealistic, being a mistress, willing to be cheated, and social role positioning by others.

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