การสื่อสารและการนำเสนอแนวคิดชะลอความชราในสื่อสิ่งพิมพ์นิตยสารคอสเมติก บิวตี้ แอนด์ แอนตี้ เอจจิ้ง (Communication and Concept Presentation Strategies of Anti_Agigng in The Cosmetic Beauty & Anti-Aging Magazine)

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ทรงภพ ขุนมธุรส
พฤทธิ์ ศุภเศรษฐศิริ


    This article shows the findings of a research study with the objective to study the presentation strategies for anti-aging concepts in written articles found in Cosmetic Beauty and Anti-Aging magazine, of which a total of 12 issues were produced and distributed in 2012. The results shows that there are two eminent presentation strategies for anti-aging concepts, namely, strategies for writing articles and concepts regarding presentation strategies of anti-aging in the magazine. There are four strategies for writing articles: titling, introductory writing, body paragraph writing and conclusion writing. There are three concept presentation strategies of anti-aging in the magazine: the use of interviews with celebrity actors, the use of the opinions of expert doctors, and the use of illustrations. The use of interviews with celebrity actors is divided into two modes: those of positive views on surgery and those of negative views on surgery. As regards the use of the opinions of expert doctors, it was found that expert doctors’ knowledge and opinions about surgery were provided in all the articles. The use of illustrations is divided into three modes: showing physical change, illustrations showing the steps of treatment and illustrations identifying problems. These concept presentation strategies of anti-aging reflect the prominent characteristics of Cosmetic Beauty and Anti-Aging magazine, which make it a popular form of print media regarding beauty and surgery and one which remains extremely popular and a bestseller in a highly competitive business.

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Research Articles


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