การพัฒนาการเรียนรู้ด้วยระบบเกษตรผสมผสานของนักเรียนโรงเรียนเจ้าฟ้าอุบลรัตน์ ตำบลเชียงดาว อำเภอเชียงดาว จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ (Learning Development by Integrated Agriculture System of Princess Ubolratana School’s Student, Chiang Dao Sub-district, Chiang Dao district, Chiang Mai, Thailand)

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ณฐิตากานต์ ปินทุกาศ


       This study aimed to promote student’s agricultural learning experience using the action plan of integrated farming and agricultural skills in schools. The specific target population of this study was 54 students (M.1-3) from Agriculture Club. The duration of this study was within fiscal year 2017. The result showed that attitudes of students who participated in the promotion of integrated agriculture in the highland areas were positive. All students viewed the plan as being practical and a good tool to encourage knowledge sharing and teamwork skill. Moreover, 100% of them perceived doing a farm as a promising career; and 96.30% of them agreed that farming was a main source of their family’s income. Also 100% of them found that pesticide free vegetables were safe for cooking.
       Students learned how to grow integrated vegetables farming which is a good learning source in school and learning source for outsiders. Moreover, students learned to work in groups based on a step-by-step method of growing vegetables. Harmonious and well-coordinated relationship between students, teachers, and communities were encouraged, as well. People in the community tend to concern more about their own health, sufficiency learning, and apply this practice at the household level.

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Research Articles


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