การพัฒนาระบบสนับสนุนการเข้าถึงสวัสดิการสุขภาวะผู้สูงอายุในองค์กร ปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น: กรณีศึกษาเทศบาลตำบลกำแพง อำเภอละงู จังหวัดสตูล (The Development of Accessible Support System of Health Welfare of Older Adults in Local Administrative Organization:)

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ทวนธง ครุฑจ้อน
ภาณุ ธรรมสุวรรณ
ชลลดา แสงมณี ศิริสาธิตกิจ


This study aimed at examining the access to and the supporting process for health welfare by the elderly in a local administrative organization and proposing a supporting system for the access of the elderly to health welfare in order to encourage a public policy and develop a plan for a local administrative organization. This research is a participatory action research focusing on both qualitative and quantitative methods. 553 stakeholders for this survey were the local elderly. The focus group discussion and an in-depth interview was conducted with the local elders, mayor or municipal officials, hospital’s administrators or officers, public health sector’s administrators or officers, and public health volunteers. The questionnaire and the interview guideline were used as an instrument to collect data. Computer and software package were used to analyze data. Descriptive statistics was employed to explain the data in the quantitative part. The result of this study showed that most of the elderly were able to do everything on their own; however, the ratio between the olderly, who have congenital diseases, and those who do not was almost the same. Most of them has high blood pressure. The capacity of the elderly to access to the service or healthy welfare from a municipality was at a low level. Additionally, supporting system of the access to health welfare of the elderly in Kumpang Municipality consisted of three procedures : 1) operating system of volunteer, 2) operating procedure of the municipality about making a plan, and 3) operating procedure of the elderly adult club. As mentioned above, there was a development of a supporting system to help the elderly access to health welfare. It consisted of some important processes such as 1) the process of elderly registration, 2) the process of elderly's medical checkup, which involved the checkup process at a preliminary stage and the annual checkup, 3) the process of the health promotion, and 4) the process of the health welfare for a disease treatment process. The study showed that the satisfaction with the support system to help the olderly access to the healthy welfare in Kumpang Municipality was at a highest level.

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