ความเชื่อและปฏิบัติการบนพื้นทีศักดิ์สิทธิ์ในมหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี (Beliefs and Practices on Sacred Areas in Ubon Ratchathani University)

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ยอดกมล อุดหนุน
ปิ่นวดี ศรีสุพรรณ


“Sanctity” is displayed by the faith of Thais in various forms. Many forms
of practices and worships reflecting contemporary Thai beliefs are found in many
places, even in educational institutions where the modern knowledge is taught.
Also in Ubon Ratchathani University, sacred worship can be found in many places both in the buildings and around the university area.
This article presents the beliefs and practices found on sacred area in Ubon
Ratchathani University. The change of context reflects the change of beliefs and
practices when the new sanctity has been built over the area where previously was
an agricultural field and forest. The practice to the new sanctity is different from
what they have been doing in the past. The university establishment makes the
local people unable to further take advantages from the area they used to do for
theirs living. The occurrence of the new sanctity and sacred area forms the new
form of faith blended with Brahmin. However, the traditional belief hasn’t been
gone out yet as the practice to “Sanctity” still shows the relationship between the
original local Isan and the modern ideas

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Academic Article


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