การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบโครงเรื่องและแนวคิดจากวรรณกรรมเรื่อง "พิษสวาท" และ "Ziska" (A Comparative Analysis in Plot Structures and Themes of "Pitsawa" and "Ziska")

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สุทธิณี พรหมกันดร


This paper aims to compare “Pitsawat” and “Ziska” in terms of plot structures and themes. The findings reveal that the two novels are similarly organized. They both
coil around themes of love, revenge, and forgiveness. Those novels tell the story of a female protagonist, an ancient royal court dancer who was killed by the man she
loved. Hence, her spirit becomes wicked, revengeful, and full of hatred. Forgiveness is a key to release her soul from the curse. However, sub themes reflected throughout
the stories make the two novels different. “Pitsawat” focuses on true sacrificing love,loyalty and duties to a nation, and the laws of karma, reflecting the loyalty to the monarchy and the belief in Buddhism in Thai society. “Ziska”, on the other hand, focuses on love as raging fire and the belief in supernatural power that destines the two souls in whatever life forms.

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Research Articles


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