Guidelines for Developing Human Resource Professional to Become Business Partners of the Organization

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Kanjana Jindanil
Chitipat Chitsakul


This academic article aims to present the guidelines for developing human resource professional to become business partners of the organization. This study has been conducted by reviewing the relevant literatures, text books, academic articles, information and research papers. It was found that the current environmental changes and business competition situations have affected to organizations’ business operation and profit. As a result, organizations need to adapt to the situations for surviving and creating their business competitive advantage. They have tried to bring various strategies to improve their business more efficiently. Human resource professional developing to be as organization’s business partner is a strategy brought to implement in the organization for increasing the capability to support business. According to Human resource which is as a crucial human capital of organization that enables to create value for the organization, especially, human resource professionals who play the key roles in human resource management need to be developed to change their existing working styles from focusing on administrative services to focusing on strategic human resource management through human resource work planning and practices that align with organization’s business vision, mission, strategy and target. Furthermore, human resource professionals as organization’s business partner must understand in business deeply and enable to support the organization’s business units and executives in working and advise them on human resource more closely and efficiently. At the end of the article is the presentation of guidelines for developing human resource professional to become business partners of the organization which can be applied appropriately to the context of each organization.

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How to Cite
Jindanil, K., & Chitsakul, C. . (2024). Guidelines for Developing Human Resource Professional to Become Business Partners of the Organization. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 12(2), 801–812. Retrieved from


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