School Adminstrative Manaement Model of Buddhist Thailand Quality Award Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42

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Kritsana krisee
Anond Metheevarachatra
Worrakrit Thuenchang


The research article consisted of the following objectives: 1) to study the conditions of school administration; 2) to create a school administration model for Buddhist Thailand Quality Award; and 3) to assess a school administration model for Buddhist Thailand Quality Award. The study applied both quantitative and qualitative researches. The study was divided into 3 phases: 1) The 1st phase was to study the conditions of school administration with 15 key informants by means of semi-structured interview and content analysis; 2) The 2nd phase was to create a school administration model for Buddhist Thailand Quality Award with 11 key informants consisting of (1) 2 Buddhist experts, (2) 2 experts on a model which are school administrators or higher educational administrators with doctoral degree, (3) 6 educational administration specialists which are educational administrators and secondary school administrators/ directors by means of focus group discussion. The research instruments were a school administration draft model for Buddhist Thailand Quality Award and a focus group discussion recording form. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis; and 3) The 3rd phase was to assess a school administration model for Buddhist Thailand Quality Award with 15 key informants. The research instrument was an assessment form testing accuracy, propriety, feasibility for practice and utility. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation (S.D.). 1) The results from studying the conditions of school administration, there are 7 aspects found as follows: (1) Leadership, (2) Strategy, (3) Students and Stakeholders, (4) Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management, (5) Workforce, (6) Operation, and (7) Outcome. 2) The results from creating a school administration model for Buddhist Thailand Quality Award, it is found that all 7 aspects are integrated with the principles of Dutiyapāpanika Sutta (qualities of a shopkeeper) will result in 78 methods. 3) The results from assessing a school administration model for Buddhist Thailand Quality Award under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42 overall are at a high level.

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How to Cite
krisee, K., Metheevarachatra, A., & Thuenchang, W. (2021). School Adminstrative Manaement Model of Buddhist Thailand Quality Award Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 9(4), 1707–1723. retrieved from
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