Buddhist Discourse on Superstition in Thai Society According to the Viewpoint of Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacharya (P.A. Payutto)
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The research article aims at studying problems and approaches for solving problems that are caused by Buddhist discourse on superstition in Thai society according to the viewpoint of Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacharya (P.A. Payutto). The theory of Discourse in Foucault’s view is used the framework for analysis. From the study, it is found that the Buddhist discourse on superstition in Thai society arises amidst the trend of consumerism and materialism in the present world; as a result, merit-making has an intention of seeking benefits or rewards rather than regarding as merits or wholesomeness like Thai society in the past. Buddhism in Thai society at present has been dominated by the trends of Buddhist commercialization, even by the temples and monks. Many Buddhists are obsessed with superstition as it can respond more to their needs than Buddhism in the form of scriptures. However, the approaches according to the viewpoint of Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacharya (P.A. Payutto) and other approaches are able to address the said problems interestingly.
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