The Rise of Future Forward Party Affecting Pheu Thai Party for the Thai Election 2019: A Case of Khon Kaen Province

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Alongkorn Sillapadonbom
Siwach Sripokangkul


This article aims to represent the political party's popularity which stands for democracy in Khon Kaen. In the Thai election 2019, the competition between two democracy parties is so obvious which are Pheu Thai Party and Future Forward Party. Pheu Thai Party is the democratic party which is the winner party of the northeastern region people and Khon Kaen for decades. Future Forward Party is the new democracy party which stands for against dictatorship. The results of this study showed that Pheu Thai party popularity is declined and the Future forward party becomes to be an impact of the decline by analysis from political marketing strategies and factors that impact strategies of both parties.

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How to Cite
Sillapadonbom, A., & Sripokangkul, S. (2020). The Rise of Future Forward Party Affecting Pheu Thai Party for the Thai Election 2019: A Case of Khon Kaen Province. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 8(1), 320–335. Retrieved from
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