Antecedents of Sustainable of Less Visited Area Tourism

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Prasert Jaisom
Sriparinya Toopgrajank
Chandej Charoenwiriyakul
Patinya Boonpadung
Uea-umporn Tipayatikumporn


The objectives of this research were to study the influences of destination environment, destination amenities, destination image, and tourist satisfaction on sustainable of less visited area tourism. This research employed a quantitative method. The sample consisted of 300 Thai tourists who used to travel to less visited area include Buriram, Ratchaburi, Satun, Lampang and Chanthaburi, obtained by multi-stage sampling. The sample size was determined based on the Kline criterion of 20 times the observed variables. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire and analyzed with a structural equation model.  The research findings showed that destination image had the highest overall influence on sustainable of less visited area tourism, followed by destination environment, tourist satisfaction, and destination amenities, respectively. The results of this research can be used to plan tourism strategies of the government and entrepreneurs in the less visited area pushing tourist attractions in the less visited areas to become a popular destination for both Thai and foreign tourists.

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How to Cite
Jaisom, P., Toopgrajank, S., Charoenwiriyakul, C., Boonpadung, P., & Tipayatikumporn, U.- umporn. (2020). Antecedents of Sustainable of Less Visited Area Tourism. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 8(1), 133–144. Retrieved from
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