Social Studies Teaching Based on Buddhist Principles with the 5-Step PSLDC Model
Practices for Teaching Social Studies, Buddhist Principles, PSLDC ModelAbstract
Practices for teaching social studies are processes or activities that teachers use to promote student learning in social studies. Emphasis is placed on allowing students to learn through real experiences. It is an effective method to help students understand complex concepts and create a deeper, sustainable understanding using the PSLDC Model technique, 5 steps to success. It is a flexible learning management format. Can be adjusted to suit the context of the educational institution and the target group of learning. The author designed it consists of 5 steps: Step 1 P: Plan is the step where the teacher determines learning objectives, content, learning activities. learning media and evaluation of learning outcomes. Step 2 S: Structure Structure is the step in which the teacher designs the learning structure. By considering the learning objectives, content and learning activities. Step 3 L: Link is the step where the teacher connects previous knowledge with new knowledge. By considering the content and learning activities. Step 4 D: Design is the step in which the teacher designs learning activities. By considering the learning objectives, content, learning structure. and the students' prior knowledge and Step 5 C: Conclusion. Summarizing the results is the step where the teacher summarizes the learning results. By considering learning activities and learning evaluations. Learning management according to the PSLDC model, 5 steps to success Helps students learn efficiently. The teacher must plan the learning management carefully and design a variety of learning activities. Connect previous knowledge with new knowledge. and summarize the learning results of the students
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