Development of Training Course on Standard-based Learning Unit Teacher at Secondary Education Level for Mathematics Department
Development of Training Course, Standard-based Learning Unit, Mathematics DepartmentAbstract
The research has the following objectives: 1) to create the training curriculum on standard-based learning unit design teachers of the secondary education level for Mathematics Department; 2) to compare the achievement of knowledge about the design of secondary education based on standard Of teachers in mathematics learning strand. and 3) to follow up the result of the application of the knowledge acquired in term of the standard-based learning unit design in schools. The 90 population used for the research are systematically sampling random. Tools used for the research comprise of 1) the training curriculum; 2) interview; 3) questionnaires; 4) tests; 5) assessment. The statistics used for data analysis are percentage (%), average, average mean (), Anova analysis, pair different comparison by Scheffe’s method.
The result of the research are:
1) The created training curriculum comprise of 1) State of problems and the need; 2) Rationale; 3) Goals of the curriculum; 4) Five Training Modules; 5) Training activities; 6) Materials for training and 7) Evaluation.
2) The results of comparison of knowledge achievement before and after using training courses of Group 1, Group 2, and the controlled Group had different knowledge and understanding on standard-based learning units design, at the significant of .01 level. The after training is higher than the before training.
3) For the result of the follow up the teachers Group 1 on knowledge application of the standard-based learning unit design in schools, it is found that teachers have applied knowledge and competency in practice in schools, at the much practice level.
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