Factors Influencing Al-Wasatiyyah among Students of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University


  • Yuttana Kuakul Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songla University
  • Niloh Wae-u-seng
  • Muhammad Roflee Waehama


Student adaptation, Al-Wasatiyyah, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Social and family factors, Prince of Songkla University


Objective: This research aimed to examine the factors and ranking of factors affecting the Al-Wasatiyyah of students in the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University.

Methodology: This research used a survey research method. Data were collected by questionnaires from a sample of 241 respondents and analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency and percentage.

Research findings: It was found that the factor that had the most effect on Al-Wasatiyyah was the social factor, with 207 respondents, or 17.6 percent. The second factor was the family factor, with 192 respondents, or 16.3 percent. The factor of the dormitory care system had the least effect, with 42 respondents, or 3.6 percent. The result of the ranking of the factors that had the most effect on Al-Wasatiyyah of the students found that the family factor had the most effect, with 164 respondents, or 68.0 percent. The second factor was the social factor, with 88 respondents, or 36.5 percent. The mosque factor had 57 respondents, or 23.7 percent. The factor of the dormitory care system and various media had the least effect, with 103 respondents, or 42.7 percent.

Implications: Educational institutions, families, society and personnel involved in student care can use the results of this research as a guideline to instill and promote students in living according to the principles of Al-Wasatiyyah appropriately in a multicultural society.


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How to Cite

Kuakul, Y., Wae-u-seng, N. and Waehama, M.R. 2024. Factors Influencing Al-Wasatiyyah among Students of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 15, 2 (Dec. 2024), 45–60.



Research Articles