The role of widowed Muslim women in the three southern border provinces in adapting to Islamic ways: a case study : Widowed Muslim women in Bannang Sata District, Yala Province


  • Hamidahhasan Tohma Faculty of Islamic Studies and Iaws, Fatoni University
  • Faisol To’ma คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • Khoyriyah Masoh Faculty of Education, Fatoni University


Adaptation, Widowed muslim women, Islamic way, Bannang Seta District, Three Southern Border Provinces


Objectives: 1) to study the knowledge and social status of Muslim widowed according to Islamic principles ; 2) to study the problems faced by Muslim widowed in Social and Cultural to support Muslim widowed in Bannang Sata District, Yala Provinc

Methodology: A qualitative research which encompass documentation and field study.  the sampling were 24 Muslim widowed and 6 religious leaders in Bannang Sata District, Yala Province, using a purposive method. The research instrument using in - dept interview and participated observation.

Research Findings: 1) the widowed whose husbands died or who have been divorced did not have sexual intercourse and iddah have the right to receive half of the dowry or as agreed between them. The widowed who is husband dies while pregnant, iddah is childbirth. And widowed whose divorced in her period and iddah is third times cleanliness                 ( Addhur). While, she is in menopause, iddah is three months. As for the wives whose husband died and are not pregnant. Iddah is four months and ten days which is entitled to 1/4 of her husband’s inheritance if they have no children, and 1/8 if they have children. 2) The problem faced by by the widowed is poverty and parenting problem. In addition to the wife of state officer who died in the unrest. As for other types of widowed there is no assistance from both the private and government.  have adapted to the islamic way of life at different levels according to their faith and orphans will be helped by mosque and faithful occasion. The observation indicated that most of them are living a difficult life.

Contribution: 1) Husband should be patient and stay away from divorce unless there is no alternative. If necessary, islamic principles should be apply as a norm. 2) Widowed woman test with restrained in caring for children and should pray especially at night and be patient in adjusting according to the Islamic way, therefore that Allah will open a way out easily.


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How to Cite

Tohma, H., To’ma, F. and Masoh, K. 2023. The role of widowed Muslim women in the three southern border provinces in adapting to Islamic ways: a case study : Widowed Muslim women in Bannang Sata District, Yala Province. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 14, 1 (Jun. 2023), 87–111.



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