Moral Diplomacy: The Concept of Islamic Diplomacy and Diplomatic Practice in Early Age
Moral Diplomacy, Islamic Diplomacy, Ilm Siyarบทคัดย่อ
Objective The study aimed to present the Concept of Diplomacy and Diplomatic Practice in the Early Islamic age with two objectives 1) How the Islamic state manage policy on diplomacy affairs and makes co-existence with another creed? 2) What is the international policy of Madinah and what are the major characteristics of The Holy Prophet (PBUH) as an international policy maker?
Methodology This study applies a qualitative research method. The research methodology uses a documentary research method with an analytical description to collect data from three major sources (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary) with relevant literature and books.
Research findings The Result found that in the Early Ages Islamic State of Medina adopted the concept of Moral Diplomacy as a major policy for international relations affairs focused on preaching Islam without any interests. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) shows his great characteristics in this field by using a number of diplomatic tools for interacting with foreigners. These models from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were later developed by prominent Muslim jurists as a branch of science known as Ilm-Siyar (Islamic International Relations) relates to interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims in the States.
Application The Concept of Moral Diplomacy presented by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) consists of 5 major characteristics 1. Gentleness in Human Relation 2. Loyalty 3. Patience 4. Modesty 5. Loyalty shows a great model for later Muslim diplomats to promote good relations with non-Muslim communities. These characteristics present positive views of Islam as be optimistic idea in order to respond to Islamophobia spread by Westerners in recent times.
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