The Development of Waqf Properties in Thailand Context: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Orawit Boonchom Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Muhammadafeefee Assalihee Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus


Waqf properties, Thai Muslim, Waqf challenges, Islamic Economics


Objective The research objective is to investigate challenges of waqf management among Islamic committees of mosques in Thailand. Hence, this study focuses on waqf properties management in the Thai Muslim context about perceptions and obstacles that occurred in administrating waqf properties.

Methodology This study is used a qualitative method. A purposive sampling is used with the specific characteristics comprises 8 Waqf officers in this case the researcher wants to know their perspective and obstacle on waqf management. The data were gathered through in-depth interviews. Information derives from the data collection is proceed to the analysis in qualitative content in order to represent the finding in a descriptive pattern.  

Research Finding The results showed that the key challenges of Waqf management in Thailand are the limitation of Thai laws, the traditional methods of Waqf investment and the lack of understanding of Waqf properties investment.

Application The results of this study contribute to Waqf manager perceptions and the Islamic authorities especially in terms of the development of Waqf properties in Muslim minority countries. Furthermore, this study provides information in terms of the significance of Waqf institution towards the socioeconomic development of the Muslim societies.


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How to Cite

Boonchom, O. and Assalihee, M. 2023. The Development of Waqf Properties in Thailand Context: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 14, 1 (Jun. 2023), 231–257.



Research Articles