Patterns of Health Promotion System Development in a Multicultural Context in The 5 Southern Border Provinces of Thailand


  • Praves Meedsen Southern Border Provinces, Administrative Centre
  • Malinee Yama Pattani Provincial Public Health Office


Health promotion, Southern Border Provinces, Multicultural society


Objectives: This study aimed at examining and developing the procedures of public health policy to promote health in the 5 southern border provinces of Thailand where people live in a multicultural context.

Methodology: This study was a research and development (R&D) project, carried out in accordance with Deming’s PDCA framework.  The first phase involved review, analysis of the occurring problems, and planning for possible solutions (Plan). Then, the action was taken to solve the problem as it was planned (Do), participated by the community members and the stakeholders. In the meantime, the participants gave feedback on the method for possible improvement of the method as well as the stages of working (Check). Finally, more appropriate conduct was carried out (Act). The health promotion that is related and corresponds to the Ottawa charter was implemented using a multi-methodological method, consisting of Documentary Research, Participatory Action Research, and Synthesis in order to develop the pattern to drive the public health promotion policy in the multicultural context in the 5 southern provinces of Thailand.

Research Findings: There were two main findings of this study. Needs and problems in health services and health promotion, as well as the management of public health systems, were based on or related to the belief and faith of the community members and community participation in solving health problems. Services offered were customer-centered, based on the acceptance of cultural differences and an emphasis on compliance with the local ways of life and religious belief through the arrangement of activities and health service systems. 2. Patterns of the development of public health service in the 5 southern border provinces were identified. Facilitation was offered to the healthcare recipients while receiving the services.  Moreover, the consultation service in health care centers was carried out relying on the contexts of the communities and the advice of the local religious leaders.

Contribution: Based on the results, suggestions can be made for the development of public health services for health promotion in the 5 southern border provinces where multiculturalism exists.


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How to Cite

Meedsen, P. and Yama, M. 2022. Patterns of Health Promotion System Development in a Multicultural Context in The 5 Southern Border Provinces of Thailand. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 13, 2 (Dec. 2022), 81–98.



Research Articles