Al-Wasatiyyah (Justly Balanced) as Perceived by Faculty of Islamic Sciences Students, Prince of Songkla University


  • Yuttana Kuakul Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songla University
  • Niloh Wae-u-seng Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
  • Muhammadroflee Waehama Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University


Perceptions, Al-Wasatiyyah, Faculty of Islamic Sciences students


Objective This research aimed to examine the four-dimension concept of al-Wasatiyyah i.e., Aqidah (faith), Ibadah (religious duty-bound), Akhlaq (ethics) and Mu’amalat (dealings) al-Wasatiyyah as perceived by Faculty of Islamic Sciences students, Prince of Songkla University.

Methodology This research used a survey approach to collecting the data of 241 respondents who were solicited to answer questionnaires. Analysis of data was based on descriptive statistics and Chi-square.

Research findings The result reveals that all four dimensions of al-Wasatiyyah i.e., Aqidah, Ibadah, Akhlaq and Mu’amalat (dealings) are highly perceived. However, misunderstanding about belief in similarity of the authenticity of Islam and other religion becomes an issue. Although participation in training had no association, however, those who did not register al-Wasatiyyah course had less misperception. This study provides implications for the enhancement of student’s understanding living in multicultural society based on al-Wasatiyyah approach.

Contributions The organizations and personnel involved in student affairs can utilize this research as a guideline in learning the concepts and basic philosophy of the dimensions of al-Wasatiyyah that are appropriate with the context of higher education students.  In so doing, the behavior of students can be adjusted match that of those students who practice Islam according with al-Wasatiyyah guidelines.


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How to Cite

Kuakul, Y., Wae-u-seng, N. and Waehama, M. 2022. Al-Wasatiyyah (Justly Balanced) as Perceived by Faculty of Islamic Sciences Students, Prince of Songkla University. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 13, 1 (Jun. 2022), 313–333.



Research Articles