The Adjustment of Teaching of Islamic Studies Pre-Service Teachers Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Pandemic Covid-19


  • suwannee Langputeh Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Muhummudrapee Makeng Center of Excellence on Women and Social Security, Walailak University


Adjustment, Pandemic Covid-19


Objective This research aimed at presenting the adjustment of teaching of Islamic studies Pre-Service Teachers in Pandemic Covid-19.

Methodology This study employed qualitative approach. Data were collected by focus group and in-depth interview by using semi structured questions through 11 key informants which are students of teaching of Islamic studies who were purposely selected based on criterion. The data then were content analyzed.

Research findings The results revealed that the adjustment of teaching of Islamic studies Pre-Service Teachers in Pandemic Covid-19 consist of 3 dimensions which researchers have adapted from performance standards of Teachers Council Regulations on Professional Standards (No. 4) B.E. 2562 are 1) The performance of teacher duties, including the development of learners with the spirit of being a teacher. Encourage learning, empathy and acceptance of individual learners' differences. Inspiring learners, self-development to be knowledgeable behave as a role model ethical. 2) Learning management, including preparation of lesson plans, teaching and learning management, and organizing activities to create a learning atmosphere, supervision, assistance, development, and individual learner development reports, innovation, media, and apply technology, creative teamwork, and learning measurements, and 3) Relationships with parents and communities, including cooperation with parents in developing and solving learner problems. Creating a network of cooperation, education, access to the context of the community. and coexisting on the basis of cultural differences and promoting and conserving culture and local wisdom

Contributions: The finding of the research showed that students, educational personnel, school administrators and teacher development institutions can be utilized it to design, plan, and prepare for pre-service teachers practicum in Pandemic Covid-19 as well as National Office of Teacher Professional Experience Standards.


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How to Cite

Langputeh, suwannee and Makeng, M. 2022. The Adjustment of Teaching of Islamic Studies Pre-Service Teachers Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Pandemic Covid-19. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 13, 1 (Jun. 2022), 170–202.



Research Articles