International Students’ Participation in Student Activities Faculty of Islamic Sciences (FaIS), Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Pattani Campus


  • Yahari Kaseng Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University
  • Yamudin Salaeh Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University


student activities, international students, participation, guidelines


Objective This article aims 1) To study the activities organizations that international students are interested and want to participate. 2) to study the factors affecting international students in activities participation. 3) to study the comparison of activities participation of international students by gender, country, and class study. 4) to propose guidelines promoting international students’ activities participation.

Methodology This study was survey research that focused on quantity and quality by collecting data with questionnaires. Cross section is undergraduate level of international student, studying at Faculty of Islamic Science, Prince of Songkla University; the total is 55 students from 13 countries: Cambodia, People's Republic of China, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Senegal, and Federated States of Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Indonesia. For data analysis, we use percentage, arithmetic means and standard deviation. And the tool to access qualitative data will be a group discussion of 33 people collecting population data through representatives of students in each country; to analyze the ways for participation promoting in activities of international students.

Research findings 1. The activities organizations those international students are interested and want to participate, that is Student Club and Student Union. The Types of activities most of them want and are interested in participating in the activities as participation. And the type of responsibility in a student organization, students choose International Relations and Coordination Activities. 2. The results of international students’ participation in student activities the overall picture is at a high level.  If considering each aspect, it was found that the highest is benefits of activities participation, the average was 4.08, and the second is by the students' interest in participation in student activities, averaging 3.91. The average value of the university and clubs’ activities receiving was 3.63.   3. The comparison results of difference between gender, country, and class study of international students, FaIS, PSU in student activities, in general, there is no difference. And when considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects were not different. 4. Guidelines to promote participation in activities of international students, consisting of Needs and interests, Factors affecting participation in activities, The aspect of receiving information about various activities of the university and various activities organizations, The benefits of participating in activities,  Students' attitude towards the overview of activities in the university.

Contributions:  Can use the research results as a guideline for organizing international student activities for institutions of higher education in Thailand


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How to Cite

Kaseng, Y. and Salaeh, Y. 2022. International Students’ Participation in Student Activities Faculty of Islamic Sciences (FaIS), Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Pattani Campus. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 13, 1 (Jun. 2022), 97–124.



Research Articles