Reviving Islamic Ethics: A contribution of Islam to Solving Environmental Crisis and the Challenge of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs


  • Muhammad Ilyas Yahprung Faculty of Political Science, Ramkhamhaeng University


Human nature, amanah, fitrah, khalifah, sustainable development Goals (SDGs)


Objective To study the construction of meanings and production of knowledge on human nature and worldview of the Enlightenment project underpinning the modern thoughts which responsible for the destruction of environment, in comparison with the Islamic worldview and meaning of man which provide the ethical principles for the protection and preservation of the planet Earth.

Methodology Documentary, the use of academic works on western-modern philosophy, industrial revolution and its devastating effects on the environment. The writings on Islamic philosophy and the critique of western thoughts by Muslim as well as non-Muslim thinkers are consulted. The sacred texts of Islam are also extensively referred to.

Research Findings The construction of meanings and production of knowledge on human nature and worldview of the Enlightenment project insists that human is nothing but matter devoid of spiritual significant. This perspective maintains that man is being categorized as animal, and like other animals their very existence is to compete for a survival. The concept of human nature as being the same as those of animals has been well established by the Enlightenment project. Similarly, knowledge of the meaning of the planet earth established that nature is but material resources waiting to be exploited to serve insatiable desire of man. This concept of human nature and the meaning of the planet earth give rise to the unprecedented destruction of environment and the devasting impact on man and his societies. Islam, however viewed man as spiritual being or ethical being. The essence of man is spiritual with its disposition toward higher ethical accomplishment. The mother earth has her own spirit, embed in it a life-support system. Thus, both man and the earth are one organic whole responsible for one another. The Islamic concepts of Amanah (trust), Firtah (purity) and Khalifah (bearer), among others are well established as the ethical back bones for protection and preservation of the environment.

Applications Islamic Knowledge on the meaning of man, the natural world and their relationships as well as the ethical principles of khalifah, amanah, fitrah, and the noble origin of man can be tough, particularly, in the primary and secondary’s curricula.

Keyword: Human nature, amanah, fitrah, khalifah, sustainable development Goals (SDGs)


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How to Cite

Yahprung, M.I. 2021. Reviving Islamic Ethics: A contribution of Islam to Solving Environmental Crisis and the Challenge of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 12, 2 (Dec. 2021), 85–98.



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