Community Action Plan toward Driving a Learning Using Masjid Based Multicultural Society of Pattani Province


  • Ismail Raob
  • Yuthaphong Khlongkhlaew
  • Muslim Diyo


Community Action Plan, Masjid Based, Multi-cultural Society


Objective This research aimed to conduct a policy plan to drive a learning platform using Masjid as base in multicultural society in Pattani Province, and to assess the competency of making a mosque development plan.

Methodology Action Research was used in research design, and the sample included 50 stakeholders. Moreover, Focus Group, SWOT analysis, and SOAR analysis were used as research tools for data collection.

Research Findings The findings found that the pre-training knowledge test, the community innovator received an average score of 4.55 because the questions measuring knowledge were based on the tools used in planning community innovators because of they were never aware of SOAR Analysis. Nevertheless, for setting a vision, each community can be defined also the findings the knowledge test after training the overall community innovators scored an average of 8.33, possibly because the innovators learned in action that they could actually create a plan with their critiques. The exchange of knowledge between the Masjids. The resulted in planning skills and higher post-training average scores than before. Thus, the Masjids have a self-development plan which consists of 1) Environmental Analysis Data 2) Stakeholder Analysis 3) Vision 4) Mission 5) Strategic Issues 6) Goals and 7) Projects. that can be driven together with the community and the local government.

Applications It is useful to develop a Masjid that can be adapted to the Masjid committee in accordance with the local context, and vision by using various processes to develop a strategic plan for the development and efficiency of mosque management.

Keyword: Community Action Plan, Masjid Based, Multi-cultural Society


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How to Cite

Raob, I., Khlongkhlaew, Y. and Diyo, M. 2021. Community Action Plan toward Driving a Learning Using Masjid Based Multicultural Society of Pattani Province. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 12, 2 (Dec. 2021), 64–72.



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